Two Most Common Home Damages Caused by Winter Weather

In Centerville, there are some kinds of home damage that are unavoidable during the winter. To help reduce the possibility of something like this occuring, we want to discuss the two most common problems and how you can avoid them.
We’ll begin by discussing frozen pipes. These are a common issue, but we have several ideas for preventing them. If the forecast is projected to drop below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, try some of the ideas below.

  • Don’t turn off your furnace. A warm home equals a warming plumbing system. While it might seem attractive to save money by turning down your thermostat, the price of repairs following a burst pipe is not worth the savings.
  • Keep the water moving and prevent freezing by letting your faucets drip during extreme cold.
  • Call a plumber immediately if your pipes freeze.

Our second hazard is ice dams, when water builds up behind sheets of ice on your roof.

  • Make sure your attic is insulated. This will prevent snow from melting on your roof by keeping warm air out of the attic.
  • Improve ventilation. Cool down your attic through an eave, soffit, ridge, gable, or other form of ventilation.
  • If an ice dam does appear on your roof, a professional should be called. Paul Davis Restoration of Utah is here for you.
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